Inaction by your stock broker or brokerage house may include not following buy or sell instructions, or forgetting to execute a buy or sell order. If inaction by your stockbroker had a negative impact on your wealth or investments, then you may have a stockbroker claim or securities claim. You should consult an experienced lawyer to ensure your interests are fully protected and to pursue any claim you have against your stockbroker or brokerage firm.
Our law firm provides investors and their families the means to fight back and receive the compensation they deserve. Because of the nature of securities litigation, we offer free confidential evaluations.
Stockbroker Claim Remedies under FINRA
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) oversees more than a half million registered securities representatives and is the largest independent regulator for all securities firms doing business in the United States. FINRA was formerly the NASD, and is responsible for the enforcement and arbitration functions of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).
Like FINRA, the Lore Law Firm is dedicated to protecting investors and agents, and promotes education and understanding. Our law firm is committed to assisting investors and agents who may have a stockbroker claim. We can provide you with the information and advice you need to make informed decisions about your possible claim. At our law firm, you are treated with respect and as the important client you are to us. We will take the time to evaluate and discuss your claim, as well as your options. We also have the experience and network of experts and professionals to assist you with obtaining the compensation you deserve.
Please remember, there are time limitations in which you can bring a stockbroker claim, so contact an experienced lawyer today.